What fuels can I burn in a multi-fuel stove?
Smokeless coals
A revolutionary smokeless coal that’s made with up to 50% renewable materials. Provides a high and sustained heat output, while being better for the environment.
Our best performing smokeless coal – it lasts up to 40% longer than house coal, producing great heat performance and burning with a beautifully natural flame.
Homefire Ovals
A slow-burning smokeless coal that packs together in the grate to provide maximum heat output for up to nine hours.
A multi-purpose smokeless fuel that’s easy to light and produces a long-lasting controllable heat. Taybrite can also slumber for long periods.
Ready to Burn Kiln Dried Logs
The highest quality logs available, they have a very low moisture content and will burn at a high temperature and with a natural flame and aroma.
Heat logs
Easy to light logs that burn with a long flame and a good heat output. Often used as an aid to lighting fires, or to top up existing fires. Made from 100% recycled wood.
Seasoned hardwood logs
Long-burning logs burn at a high temperature to produce a naturally beautiful and aromatic flame.
Other Logs
If you cut your own logs or buy them from other suppliers, always make sure they are properly seasoned before you burn them, as wet wood can damage your stove or chimney. However, to save you time and money in the long run, we’d recommend you only buy Ready to Burn Kiln Dried Logs.
Burning smokeless coal and firewood together can be beneficial to your appliance. The extra heat from the solid fuel drives off any moisture in your logs, significantly reducing the build-up of tar and rusting. A fire of both smokeless coal and firewood will also burn hotter for longer.
Don’t use house coal
Unless specifically stated in your manufacturer’s guide, avoid using house coal in your stove. It burns at a much higher temperature that may cause damage and the smoke will blacken your stove’s glass.