Fantastic 'log in a bag' which burns for between 2 and 3 hours – pack of 10
Do you want to take the hassle out of lighting your fire? No longer do you need kindling or firelighters with our Instant Light Fire Logs. Simply light the bag in the fire area and the product does the rest of the work for you. There is hardly any cleaning required after and you can expect flames for around 2-3 hours after lighting. These logs are smokeless and odourless, so you won’t need to worry about pollutants.
There are so many benefits to opting for the Instant Light Firelogs when starting your fire. These bagged logs are smokeless, meaning you are not limited to where you light them, and they don’t require any kindling or firelighters.
For 2-3 hours, you can have an odourless flame that burns brightly, and here’s how you use the Instant Light Firelogs:
Make sure the area you are starting your fire is fairly clean and free of debris.
Place the Instant Light Firelog bags in the combustion chamber.
While making sure to protect your hands, light the corner of the bag and let the rest of the bag and the logs catch alight.
Once the bag has burned out, move the logs around a bit to generate pockets of oxygen to sustain the fire.
Even though there won’t be too much mess to clean after, have a cursory sweep when the flames have died out and the area has cooled down.