How CPL is becoming Green!

17 October 2019
How CPL is becoming Green!

Recently the Government also issued an updated air quality report acknowledging the need to work with solid fuel retailers to make a shift towards using more efficient, cleaner fuels and stoves. They also unveiled plans to restrict the sale of wet wood for domestic burning and apply sulfur and smoke emission limits to all solid fuels to help improve air quality.

So, as Europe’s leading manufacturer and supplier of smokeless solid domestic fuels, we’re writing to let you know that you’re doing exactly the right thing if you are already using CPL’s range of high performing smokeless fuels on your fires and multi-fuel stoves.

With plans in mind already to find a more efficient and cleaner fuel, we already have an active R&D programme investigating the next generation of innovative and environmentally sensitive heating products and have installed the UK’s first commercial-scale hydro-thermal carbonisation (HTC) facility at its main production site in Immingham, UK.

The HTC process converts ‘green’ biomass waste, with a high moisture content, into a 100% renewable ‘biocoal’, which can be incorporated into our other smokeless fuels produced at Immingham. Suitable feed-stocks include garden and agricultural waste, food waste and digestate from AD bio-gas facilities.The HTC process uses moderate temperatures and high pressures to convert the green waste into a bio-char, effectively mimicking the long-term natural formation of coal, but in a process that takes hours rather than millennia.

The HTC facility is due to start producing biocoal in the second half of 2020, and the CPL team is promoting this alternative route for biomass recycling via various waste industry conferences and exhibitions.

Our new video explains how CPL makes biocoal from organic waste streams using novel HTC (hydro-thermal carbonisation) technology. Our HTC facility in Immingham is the first of its kind in the UK and represents a genuine alternative to the land filling of food waste, garden waste and other organic wastes.

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